Legislative Report
This is a list of the bills I have been tracking out of the 1800 Assy bills and 900 Senate bills. There are more hiding in the legislative process I'm sure. 70+ important bills have been signed or vetoed. Three vetos were pulled back by the Senate for possible override and 1 proposition approved but being contested by Sacramento & Governor Newsom (AKA Newsulini)
This is a list of the bills I have been tracking out of the 1800 Assy bills and 900 Senate bills. There are more hiding in the legislative process I'm sure. 70+ important bills have been signed or vetoed. Three vetos were pulled back by the Senate for possible override and 1 proposition approved but being contested by Sacramento & Newsulini.
The legislature has "fast-tracked" many bills by ignoring normal steps to check them and instead getting them ready by "enrolling" and forwarding them to governor for signature (53) +(16) on climate control.
This will conclude this year's signing, but next year will be filled with old and new bad bills and the few good ones will be buried in committee.
Make sure your voices continue to be heard in Sacramento. Feel free to call or email your representative and the governor and voice your opinion.
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This is a list of the bills that Hayden Leging, our legislative chair has been tracking out of the 1800 Assy bills and 900 Senate bills. There are more hiding in the legislative process I'm sure. 70+ important bills have been signed or vetoed. Three vetos were pulled back by the Senate for possible override and 1 proposition approved but being contested by Sacramento & Governor Newsom (referred to as Newsulini because he runs the state like a dictator)​The legislature has "fast-tracked" many bills by ignoring normal steps to check them and instead getting them ready by "enrolling" and forwarding them to governor for signature (53) +(16) on climate control. ​This will conclude this year's signing, but next year will be filled with old and new bad bills and the few good ones will be buried in committee.​Make sure your voices continue to be heard in Sacramento. Feel free to call or email your representative and the governor and voice your opinion.
Legislative Bills as of
March 16, 2024
Here is a full status of the 96 California bills we are currently following so far this legislative session: Note that 25 others have been returned to the Secretary of State for disposition or cancelling.
*/**HR431 (R.Paul)Right to life at conception bill-
*S2701 (Padilla)Housing for All Act-BAD
*/**HR7521 Bans TikTok and others-in Senate
T: VARIOUS BILLS IN PROCESS, related to taxes/fees: -29 still pending
*T-ACA2 Yearly 3% all tax revenue to Water & wildlife fund- in Water comm 3/2/24
T-**ACA3 Allows legislature to impose a Wealth Tax on all Californians-to Revenue &Tax comm as of 3/30/23
T-ACA11 Establish state tax agency in lieu of Bd of Equalization-to Rev & Tax comm 6/27/23
T-**AB238 Taxpayers to pay pre-teachers to study through a grant- in Senate inactive file 9/7/23
T-**AB247(Prop?) $14 BILLION bond for K-12 schools-in Senate Appropriation comm 9/1/23
T-AB270(Prop?) Campaign money from state taxes- see SB24- in Senate Appropriations comm 6/14/23
T-AB518 Expanded medical leave to care for "partners"- to inactive file 9/13/23
T-**AB886 Internet to be fined for taking newspaper advertising- stalled in Senate Judicial comm 7/7/23
Similar bill died in U.S. Congress
T-AB1254 Automatic pay raises for some firefighters- in Senate Appropriations comm under submission 9/1/23
T-AB1510(Prop?)$5 BILLION bond to also fight fentanyl addiction-in Senate Government comm 7/13/23
T-**AB1567(Prop?)$16 BILLION bond for water preservation & climate change- in Senate Gov comm 6/14/23
*T-N-AB1803 Restitution for victims of human trafficking- to Approp com 3/4/24
T-N-AB1805 Change all textbooks by 2028 to include Mendez vs. Westminister end to school segregation in Cal- In Assy Education comm 1/22/24
*T-N**AB1912 Another attempt to raise electric rates for high income customers- to Appropriations committee 3/14/24
*T*N-AB2008 Financial incentives to use renewable hydrogen, ether- Util comm 3/7/24
*T*N**N-AB2184 Double CalGrant award amounts- in Higher Educate comm 2/26/24
*T**N-AB2338 Paid new statewide homeless-ness coordinator- Hsng comm 3/13/24
*T*N-AB3038 Add armed guard to all public & charter schools-in Education comm 3/11/24
T- SB24(Prop?)Campaign money from state taxes- see AB270- in Assembly Appropriations comm 7/6/23
T**N-SB28(Prop?)$16 billion bond issue for USD's and public colleges-postponed in Assembly Appropriations committee 9/1/23
T-SB245 CalFresh benefits for illegal seniors- in Assembly Human Safety comm 6/20/23
T-SB532 (Weiner) Gutted to 4-year increases in toll fees San Francisco- in Assy Appropriations comm 8/23/23
T-**-SB584 Tax Airbnb's and similar short term rentals an extra 15%- in Assembly Revenue & Tax comm 6/29/23
T-**-SB867(Prop?)$15 BILLION bond for water preservation & climate change- in Assy Natural Resources comm 7/6/23
*T-N-SB950 expand number of state halfway houses for paroled criminals-to Rules 3/13/24
*T**N-SB965 Add staffing to inspect gun dealers & ammo dealers- in Approp comm 3/12/24
*T**N-SB1032 forgive "qualified" loan for 50% low income hsng-Senate hsng 3/6/24
*T**N-SB1079(Prop ?) $4 billion bond youth center housing- housing comm 3/6/24
*T**N-SB1160(Portantino)Yearly registration and fee for all firearms by owner- in comm Public Safety 3/1/24
*T-N-SB1227(Weiner)San Francisco only 10 year ban on CEQA overview before remodeling or replacing downtown buildings
and tax emption status- in Rev & Tax committee 3/8/24
*T-N-SB1319 expand rehad facilities for fentanyl abusers-to Health comm 2/29/24
Housing/Homeless Bills in process related to housing- 8 still pending
**ACA10 State & local governments must promote housing for all-to Appropriations comm as of 6/7/23
*N**AB1840 Add illegals to eligable list for state loans for low and medium income applicants-in Hsng&ComntyDevlpmnt 2/29/24
SB7 Force cities to have homeless as part of housing plan- in Assy held at desk 1/28/24
*T**N-SB834 $25 billion bond for family home construction-in Rules comm 2/29/24
*N**SB1011 No homeless encampments on public streets or near schools- to Public Safety committee 2/23/24-wait on SCOTUS
*N-SB1022 Prevent cities from restricting "attached accessory dwelllings" to less than 16 ft- in Judicial comm 3/14/24
*N**SB1361 Wainer for CEQA & local zoning resstrictions on homeless hsng- in Environment Quality comm 3/8/24
*N-SB1512 Rent control limits- to Housing committee 3/6/24
O: BILLS IN PROCESS, related to government overreach! -still many pending
**ACA4 Allows incarcerated felons to vote- to inactive file 9/14/23
**ACA7(Prop?)Preferential treatment for minorities of all types(Affirmative Action)- in Senate Rules comm 9/12/23
**ACA9 After January 2027 governor will appoint Superintendent of Public Instruction with no vote by the people of California- still in Elections committee as of 4/27/23
SCA1(Prop?)Successor for recalled official must wait for special election- in Assy held at desk 2/1/24
**SCA2 Reduce voting age to 17- ready for floor vote 9/5/23
SCA7 Right to organize in a union- in Employment comm 6/26/23
Good**Initiative(Prop?)to give back 2/3 control on housing to local governments -being circulated
*Bad Campaign for a Safe & Healthy California-being circulated
*Good*Calif Home Ownership Affordability act-being circulated
Good**(TPA)(Prop?)All additional taxes at any government level must be approved by 2/3 vote-ready for 2024 vote- being appealed to 11th circuit court to eliminate from ballot.
AB233 Horse excrement removal by owner/rider-to inactive file 9/7/23
AB262 (Holden) Committee for children's camp firearm safety-to inactive file 9/11/23
AB280(Holden) Limits on solitary confinement- to inactive file 9/14/23
AB310 Renames CalFresh from welfare-to-work into "Family assistance" program- to Senate Human Services 6/27/23
**AB460 State Water Board OK to issue "interim" decries on usage- still in Senate Water comm 6/27/23
*N-AB610 (Holden)Exemptions from AB1228 (signed) for some fast food & consessioners to Assy Rules committee 2/29/24
AB1034 Prevents use of facial recognition by any official until 2027- vs. AB642- to inactive file 9/11//23
N-AB1170 Hide politicians wealth- sent to Rules comm 1/29/24
**AB1337 State OK to control diversion of water for public use- in Senate Water comm 7/10/23
**AB1352 Prohibits school boards from removing LGBTQ or woke literature & instruction- to Senate Education comm after revision 6/28/23
N**AB1796 Notify parents yearly of all classes ciriculum- to Educate comm 1/16/24
*AB1800 Prosecute media outlets that offer drugs-for-sale- in-Public-Safety-comm 3/7/24
*N*AB1866 Destroy idle oil&gas wells -in Natural Resources comm 3/12/24
*N-AB2190 CEQA waiver for products using hydrogen- in comm Natl Resources 2/26/24
*N-AB2215 Release prisoners to health or social sevice programs-in Public Safety comm 2/26/24
*N**AB2236 More bag restrictions-see also SB1053- in Natrl Resrcs committee 2/26/24
*N-AB2254 More limits on charter schools- in comm Education 2/26/24
*N-AB2550 More restrictions on small business- in Health comm 3/11/24
*N-AB2943 Crime Reduction Act charging sellers of stolen mercandise-in Public Safety committee 3/11/24
*N**AB3039 Prospective juror can't be removed if they have a problem with law enforcement- in Judiciary comm 3-11-24
*N-AB3076 Prohibit banning gas stoves- in Utilities & Energy comm 3/11/24
SB24 Campaign money from state taxes- see AB270- in Assembly Appropriations comm 7/6/23
SB50 "Discriminatory" No stop by officers for "low level" infractions- to inactive file 9/14/23
SB94 (Cortese/Weiner) Prison inmates can petition after 25 years to negate life in prison sentence- to inactive file 9/14/23
SB252 Restricts CalPers/CalStrs investors from doing so in fossil fuels- still in Assembly Public Employee comm 6/8/23
SB409 Videos in voter guide for candidates- in Assembly Approp comm 9/1/23
**SB537 Local cross-county agencies meet without posted agenda or access- to inactive file 9/14/23
SB549 Outlaw banking games in cardrooms-in Gov Organization 1/4/24
N-SB733 Collect data on solitary confinements and "experiences" from same- In Assembly held for review 1/29/24
*N-SB897 -District of Choice forever- to Education committee -3/11/24
*N-SB905 increase felony for theft from locked cars- Pub Safety comm 3/12/24
*N-SB965 More firearm regulations for sellers of guns & ammo-in Approp comm 3/12/24
*N-SB982 makes permanent temporary law on organized theft- in Approp comm 3/12/24
*N**SB1027 Hide donor info for candidates- to Elect & Const Amend comm 3/12/24
*N-SB1053- More bag restrictions-see also AB2236- to Enviromental Quality committee 3/12/24
*N**SB1098 More state control over rail to San Diego- to Transportation committee 3/6/24
*N**SB1174 Prohibits cities from enforcing local voting restrictions- Elect comm 3/15/24
*N**SB1328(Prop ?)More voting constraints- Elections comm 3/15/24
*N**SB1404 Limits on ability to audit elections- Elections comm 3/15/24
*N-SB1416 increases penalty to resellers of "large scale" theft, not thieves-Rules 2/29/24
ACA12 Homicide for repeat fentanyl dealers- corrected version ready for committee 7/14/23
**SCA3 Legal Analyst prepares wording on props, not Atty General- to Appropriations comm under submission 9/1/23
**SCA4 Eliminate reassessment of property after death -rejected with reconsideration as of 5/10/23
**AB46 Excludes taxes for military pensions- still in senate Appropriations comm 9/1/23
(Chino school district passed it for their area,) (Orange Unified passed it for their area.) (Placentia/Yorba Linda passed it for their area) maybe more can do the same.
T**N-AB1783 Remove MediCal funding for all illegals- still ready for comm assign 1/4/24
*N**AB1999 Override AB205-2023 to help all customers- in Utility committee 2/12/24
*N-AB2205 30 reduction in state tax on electric bills- in Utility comm 2/26/24
*N-SB909 ease load payments for Dr's who service underserved areas- Health 3/6/24
*N**SB986 Forces voters to see interest cost of bond issues- to Energy & Commerce committee 3/8/24
*N**SB1326 Eliminate state fee based on income from electric bills- to Energy & Utility comm 2/29/24